"Where will you be when we fly free?"

Friday 18 November 2011

One More Sleep

Why is it that before a big event, or something exciting, people count down the sleeps... sure its fun for the five, four, three, two but when people say to you "ooooohhh one more sleeeeep!" with that high excitable voice, you say "yeah I know, one more, how exciting?" with that big fake smile plastered on your face but you're really thinking 'please stop talking'.

Honestly who sleeps the night before something big?... No one! Your mind is running a marathon like its a sprint yet never tires. Your body pulses with the jitters and no matter how heavy your lids are, there is no chance of relaxation. Sleep will make the next day come faster. fact. However it's really not an effective tool of falling asleep. So you start to count sheep, which turns into counting beats, which turns into counting steps, then the bars in the music and then soon you have run through the dance four times without realising. Your mind runs away with ideas, things to remember, things you have forgotten to tell someone, something else to organise, truly it's endless.

Question: Do you ever have those moments right as you're about to fall asleep when you have an awesome idea and you are too comfortable to move to get up do something about it and you think of course i'll remember this in the morning it is too full of awesomeness to forget. Let me guess... you sleep... you wake...you forget!

Advice from Spark: Keep a (nice) notebook and a (good) pen ALWAYS on your bedside table. Write it down. You may read it in the morning and think what the .... was I thinking? but you may also think quite the opposite. Give yourself the opportunity to decide. Once it's on paper it's out of your head and you never know, sleep may creep in faster than you think.

Yours in your dreams,


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